Friday, October 22, 2010


Elizabeth Daun, it is all your fault. This started when I read your blog post a while back where you mentioned oreos. So one night, we are all starving and grab some snacks before a movie. I get oreos.

Since that night, I have eaten 3-4 oreos every night at almost exactly midnight.
Why is it that milk by itself is decent, oreos by themselves are honestly only mediocre, but milk and oreos together? Delicious chocolaty goodness. This is not a healthy habit.

Don't worry mom, my roommates and I are determined to start up jillian michaels any day now.


  1. Maggie! I just love you and your cute blog! Can't even wait to see you in January!! xoxo a million times!

  2. thanks!

    -a slightly entertained blog reader

  3. marge, what can I say? really, it's the fault of the oreos...they are the ones who are so dang delicious.
    i did flatter them quite a bit in my posts, though. i'm about to write one about chocolate, so you may want to steer clear of that.
